Utilizing High-Speed Doors at Your Facility

Our revolutionary line of industrial high-speed doors is designed with efficiencies in mind to bring your workflow to its highest potential. Known for high-speed, low-maintenance, and maximum-uptime, Rite-Hite doors offer the industry’s widest range of solutions to fit your every high-speed door need.

Achieve maximum environmental control and separation at the door opening with Rite-Hite High Speed Doors. The main function of a high-speed door is to act as a barrier. High speed doors protect us from harm, save energy and help us to separate processes for optimal productivity. A high-speed door’s most important job is to simply open and close quickly and safely every time you need it.

Rite-Hite’s revolutionary line of high-speed doors is designed with these efficiencies in mind to bring your workflow to its high potential. Known for high speed, low maintenance, and maximum uptime, Rite-Hite doors offer the industry’s widest range of solutions to fit your every need.

Rite-Hite has a large collection of high performance, high speed door solutions in roll-up and bi-parting designs, available in versatile track configurations. Capable of moving at 100 inches per second (2.5 m/sec), the cycle times of Rite-Hite doors maximize energy savings by minimizing the amount of air that can escape each time the doors open and close. Unlike traditional hard bi-parting doors, flexible FasTrax and LiteSpeed roll-up doors have the ability to withstand forklift impact and snap right back into their tracks. This is a huge benefit in a warehouse space, where damaged doors can mean significant expenses in terms of downtime and service calls, as well as energy loss.

4 Ways to Effectively Utilize High-Speed Doors

1. Energy Efficiency

One way of saving energy is through sealing – keeping both warm and cold air where they’re supposed to be. High-speed doors utilize this technique by keeping warm air in and cold air out without any leakage. This way, there are no chances of temperatures dropping inside the room. As you save on electricity bills, the favorable environment also boosts employee productivity.

High-speed doors are damage-resistant – they are made to not only preserve energy but also improve durability, hence cost-effective. This material is also wind-resistant, thus keeping wind that is even miles away from affecting the temperatures inside.

This technology is also applicable in freezers and cold rooms for temperature control, especially in the food industry.

2. Hygiene

The food and pharmaceutical industries are dependent on proper hygiene to eliminate the chances of contamination, which might cause social or environmental harm. High-speed doors are easy to clean and disinfect. Coupled with PVC curtains and stainless steel covers, the doors can withstand the effects of a thorough cleaning with chemical and cleaning agents.

Because of the non-contact radial technology, contaminants cannot move to different sides of the curtain. The all-round seals also keep such things as dust, insects, or other pollutants from intrusion and contamination.

3. Improving Productivity

Apart from maintaining the favorable temperature inside the rooms, high-speed doors also come with the noise cancellation feature to minimize employee distraction. The fast opening and closing of the door hardly allow noise in.

Some high-speed doors are also fitted with activations and remote controls. This way, employees will spend less time opening and closing the door. If your organization receives many visitors, this feature will ease traffic outside the door.

4. Improved Security

Employees thrive well in a safe environment, and so does business. High-speed doors are made with aluminum slots, with no rubber gaskets between the slots to prevent intrusion by slicing. This way, unauthorized persons can hardly enter the building. So, you’re guaranteed safety, not only during working hours but also when no one is around.

Wrapping it Up

The security of your business is not worth a gamble. Installing high-speed doors is one way to not only ensure security but to also save on energy consumption and improve employee productivity. If you are considering adding high-speed doors to your building in Chester County, it is important that you trust a company who is not only a top industrial door company in Chester County, PA, but throughout the whole Greater Philadelphia Area. These doors apply to all industries, including the food industry. Be sure to give them a try.