We are proud to support several worthy causes for their work toward easing the pain and suffering of others. Our employees, vendors, and customers have all played a vital role in making this support possible, and we hope our practice of giving back to the community makes a positive difference.
JDRF logo. Improving lives. Curing type 1 diabetes.


For more than 40 years, JDRF has been a leader in the search for an end to type 1 diabetes, through both research funding and advocacy. But today, we realize that a cure is not just a destination, but also a journey along a path. And we recognize that a part of our mission must be to help those living with type 1 today to live healthier, easier, and safer lives until we arrive at the end of that path.
Thon logo


The mission of the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon is to conquer pediatric cancer by providing outstanding emotional and financial support to the children, families, researchers, and staff of The Four Diamonds Fund. Together we will find a cure.
Yellow Ribbon Fund logo - Welcoming Our Injured Service Members Home


The Yellow Ribbon Fund was created in 2005 to assist injured U.S. service members and their families while they recuperate at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the National Naval Medical Center. Contributions have provided injured service members and their families with over 1,400 free rental cars spanning 56,000 free rental car days; over 18,000 free taxi rides; over 9,000 free hotel room nights; the use of four apartments by 46 families for more than 7,600 nights; hundreds of free tickets to sporting games, concerts, and plays; and hundreds of lunches, dinners, golf games, duck and goose hunts, fishing trips, and other activities.
Nothing But Nets logo


Nothing But Nets is a global, grassroots campaign to raise awareness and funding to fight malaria, a leading cause of death among children in Africa. Nothing But Nets provides everyone — students to CEOs, bishops to basketball players – the opportunity to join the fight against malaria by giving $10 to send a net and save a life.