Our Top 10 Tips for Making Loading and Unloading Trucks Easier
Efficiency is what makes a business profitable. At Stokes Equipment, we’ve been helping business owners fine-tune their practices for years. During that time, we’ve come to learn a thing or two about what makes loading and unloading trucks more safe and efficient. Here are a few tips you can use.
1. Load Heavy Items First
When loading the truck, the heavy items should always be put on first. This ensures that there’s room for all of the heavy items. It also allows you to stack the lighter items on top of it.
2. Create a Wall
If you want to make sure that your load makes it to its location safely, then you’ll want to build a wall with the cargo you’re carrying. This creates a tight gridlock that keeps smaller boxes from jiggling around and falling. It also makes unloading faster.
3. Use Efficient Clips for Strapping
Strapping your cargo down is essential to keep them from moving during transport. However, wrestling with straps and clips can take precious minutes off of the unloading process. Investing in clips that are durable and easy to remove can speed this process along.
4. Label Everything
Boxes should be easily labeled. This can make knowing what needs to be unloaded and loaded easier. It also ensures that those receiving the cargo can quickly deliver it to the areas it needs to be in the business.
5. Create a Template for Inventory
If you just have a simple sheet of paper to write down your inventory, then you’re doing far more work for yourself than you need to. There are several templates online for free that you should print and use. It can make keeping track of cargo and inventory a lot easier.
6. High-Quality Dock Levelers Can Make Docking Faster
It’s rare that your dock can fit every truck. A dock leveler enables you to easily adjust your dock to receive the cargo from a truck of any size. A high-quality one works quickly to level the dock, enabling your team to get inside that much faster.
7. Durable Vehicle Restraints
Having to constantly move the truck to align it properly with the dock can eat into your loading and unloading time. Without vehicle restraints, the truck may start to move marginally when loaded or unloaded. Durable vehicle restraints hold it tightly in place to keep it from moving.
8. The Right Loading Dock Door
Having the right door for your needs can also make your loading and unloading times more efficient. You may find that the door you currently use doesn’t quite fit with the way in which you’re using it. Switching it out with a more appropriate industrial door can change everything.
9. Worn Parts
How long does it take for something to work because it’s worn out? It may be time to make the investment and replace those parts. When worn parts are replaced with new ones, you can be surprised at how much faster your unloading and loading process can be.
10. Moving Equipment
Unloading and loading by hand are a slow process. Investing in moving equipment like forklifts and other lifts can speed up the process considerably.
Find What You Need at Stokes Equipment
To see how you can make your unloading and loading process faster and easier, you should consider these 10 tips. To find the equipment you need, contact our industrial door company in Chester County, Pa.