What Does a Commitment to Safety Look Like?
Safety is the cornerstone of not only a successful business, but a harmonious and productive one and it is one of our core values here at Stokes Equipment. We strongly believe that employee and customer safety should be the foundation on which a business is built. Above all else, every employee is a safety officer, and should feel empowered to keep his or her workplace safe for themselves and everyone around them.
Safety starts in the planning phase of building a business. From the location and grounds of the operation, to the materials used, and the development of a business’s standard operating procedures, safety should be a central consideration. We strive to maintain exceptionally high standards of safety by always considering safety first.
The implementation of safety-specific training ensures that all employees have the tools they need to walk onto, and seamlessly begin operation in, an environment dedicated to safety. At Stokes Equipment, all technicians and lead technicians are required to undergo OSHA safety training. Technicians are required a minimum of 10 hours, and our lead technicians are required a minimum of 30 hours.
Not only does this training teach the technicians how to recognize safety hazards at work, it empowers them to come forward and to speak up when they see a potential hazard or unsafe procedure. As one of the best loading dock companies in Philadelphia, PA, we encourage all of our employees to be safety officers, and to be stewards for the profession in doing so.
This empowerment carries on in that our employees have continuously high standards for the environments that they work in, and model safe behavior to new employees as they are hired.
OSHA is a reputable organization whose high standards for safety “assure safe and healthy working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance,” according to their mission statement. They are a facet of the United States Department of Labor and hold the highest standards of safety for the American workforce.
Not only are we accountable to OSHA’s high standards, we have our own high standards and safety regulations as well. Our own safety committee has been certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor as well. This cross-referenced and overlapping approach to safety ensures that our employees have all of the protection and tools they need to commit to high operational standards.
Business Continuity and Safety Protocol During Times of Crisis
Our commitment to safety is evident in the ever-changing climate of America. As we work in solidarity through the COVID-19 epidemic, we have employed additional situationally-specific safety measures to protect our employees and customers. We work in accordance with guidelines from not only the World Health Organization and The Centers for DIsease COntrol and Prevention, but from the Department of Health and Human Services as well.
As the situation unfolds, and information becomes updated, you can be assured that we are monitoring and acting under the most current health guidance available. This allows us to keep our workforce working, and allows us to continue to deliver quality service to our customers when they need it most. If you are looking for a loading dock company in Chester County, PA or other surrounding areas, visit our website for more information.